ඔබේ සිහින සැබෑ කරගන්නා අතරම, ඔබේ ආදරණීයයන්ට රැකවරණය සලසන්නට ඔබට සහාය වන විසදුම් අප සතුව ඇත.
අපි සැබෑ ජීවිතය හඳුනන ඔබේ රක්ෂණ සමාගම වෙමු. දශක 3 කට ආසන්න කාලයක් පුරා මිලියන සංඛ්යාත ශ්රී ලාංකිකයන්හට අප සේවය සලසා ඇත.
සැබෑ ජීවිතය හඳුනන ඔබේ රක්ෂණ සමාගමඅපගේ පොර්ටල වෙත පිවිසෙන්න
AIA පාරිභෝගික පෝටලය
අපගේ පොර්ටල වෙත පිවිසෙන්න
AIA ඊඉන්ෂුරන්ස් පෝටලය
{{label}}Research done in different parts of the world has shown a link between the quality of our air and our health.
Most people would typically be unaffected by the haze, other than experiencing sneezing, dry throat or eye irritation. However, people with medical problems such as lung or skin conditions are likely to be more affected.
"People with medical problems such as lung or skin conditions are likely to be more affected." |
Two criterias are typically used to measure the severity of a haze: the Pollutant Standard Index (PSI) and the Particular Matter index (PM 2.5). The higher the index, the more unhealthy the air we breathe.
The impact of haze also depends on how long we breathe the polluted air and our level of activity. The Ministry of Health in Singapore published a summary to help people understand when to take precautions
PSI | Healthy Person | Elderly, Pregnant Women, Children | Persons with chronic Lung Disease, Heart Disease |
0-50 good | Normal Activities | Normal Activities | Normal Activities |
51-100 moderate | Normal Activities | Normal Activities | Normal Activities |
101-200 unhealthy | Reduce prolonged or strenuous outdoor physical exertion | Minimise prolonged or strenuous outdoor physical exertion | Avoid prolonged or strenuous outdoor physical exertion |
201-300 very unhealthy | Avoid prolonged or strenuous outdoor physical exertion | Minimise Outdoor Activity | Avoid Outdoor Activity |
>300 Hazardous | Minimise Outdoor Activity | Avoid Outdoor Activity | Avoid Outdoor Activity |
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