If the life assured commit suicide (while in sound mind or otherwise) during the first year of the policy or the re-instatement;
We will pay the premiums you have paid after deducting the expenses relating to your insurance policy;
Where the policy is assigned to a third party if the third party proves that there isn’t any other way to recover the money paid for the assignment, we will make that payment to him (but not more than the amount payable upon your death)
We will pay only the surrender value, if the death of the life assured was resulted due to the life assured taking part or while trying to take part in any war, invasion, act of foreign enemies, hostilities or war like operations, civil war, mutiny, riot, strike, civil commotion assuming the proportions of or amounting to a popular uprising, military uprising, insurrection, rebellion, military or usurped power or any act of any person acting for any organization which works with the aim to forcibly remove any government from power by terrorism or violence.
If the reason for the death claim was acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) or human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) we will only pay the balance of the fund at the date on which we receive the notice of your death.